Modern Day Woes

An age-old topic visited again and again. Stress as we all know it, is that some of it is essential in our lives to achieve our personal best, since a certain level of pressure helps to generate ambition and drive, to get things done. However, we are also aware that too much of it causes physical and emotional symptoms that we usually sum up as- distress. People whose health and quality of life are compromised, still do not think of taking time off for that little part called relaxation. Their rationale is that- they have far too many important things to do at any given time.

But with a little persuasion and nudge in the right direction, even the busiest of people realize within time, that short periods of relaxation are an absolute necessity and have a hugely positive impact on the health of each individual. Fix it time is the answer to built up stress. We have to learn to build in some relaxation techniques, to fit into our type of lifestyles. Choosing exercises, and re-scheduling time in order to actually do them and thus helping our bodies to move into a healthier state.

In our modern-day lifestyle, stress has become a derivate of a normal state of existence. Physical symptoms sometimes astound us into submission, for instance- a racing pulse, increased sweating, muscle tension, palpitations, dizziness, numbness, pins and needles, so on and so forth. These symptoms are sometimes the result of hyper ventilation, because prolonged exposure to excess stress leads to tension headaches like migraines, insomnia, exhaustion and bad dreams. All this translates into coughs colds, lip sores, thrush and the like.

Not forgetting the emotional problems that follow, such as over whelming feelings of anxiety and a sense of hopelessness, fear of failure and a loss of sex drive. Certain behavioral changes such as aggression or addiction to something like smoking or alcoholism, over eating and undereating also serve as huge red flags. Pin pointing these very causes, leads us to taking our first steps to acquiring a better life. It’s only when we tackle both the mental and the physical strength, that we achieve a prolonged sense of well-being. Some techniques that help in this direction are-meditation, visualization, massage and even physical exercise. What many of us do very easily, is we internalize about our feelings and stress, allowing it all to a volatile build up, that could explode at any given time. A constant, intermittent release is always a better way to go about it.

Eastern philosophies have always been a favorite for me where health and well-being depend on the balance of an invisible vital energy in the body commonly known as the qi or ch’i. When a person is healthy it is known that the ch’i flows smoothly along the channels in the body known as the meridians. The yin and the yang are two complementary forces that can be opposing as well. Stress, poor diet and spiritual neglect unbalances them and restricts the natural flow into the meridians and results in all kinds of illnesses. Eastern practices like acupuncture, acupressure, shiatsu and Taiichi rebalance the Yin and the Yang and that in turn helps in harmonizing the qi (Japanese) in the body.

How many of us realize that relaxation is actually a holistic process? We only understand that we have to feed ourselves, thus nourishing our bodies. But what about our minds? Yoga and meditation are a brilliant way to bring our bodies into some kind of balance, through right posture, and breath awareness. The combination of different strokes in a massage ease the circulatory problem, having a positive effect on the physiological self that can cause anxiety. People think that stress and relaxation are only in the mind. But since negative influences can affect the body as well, it is better to eat healthy, keeping the intake of salt, alcohol, caffeine and food additives to a minimum. Sleep too has to be regulated to eight hours. 

Being in nature and enjoying its sounds and sights helps more than we care to realise. Pure essential oils, aromatherapy baths, lighting of candles, the soothing sounds of different music, all create their own sense of calm. Having all the outer thoughts explained to us, we need to know that the inner realm is as important as well. To be at peace with ourselves and our emotions, we have to maintain a personal identity, to achieve a balanced perspective on life. Learning how to assimilate our good points amounts to self-care. Learning to believe in one’s self, (understanding a good sense of self), helps in so many ways. 

For some it’s overcoming their sense of fear, that is ever so predominant. Controlling an irrational sense of fear can be achieved by a slow process of desensitization. Living in the present helps like a miracle. Focusing on present tasks sets one free of expectations of the future, Change plays an important part in our lives. But for most of us it is upsetting and stressful, because we feel that it takes us away from our sense of control. But we must know this that human beings are the most adaptable life forms on earth, and we have within us to be accommodating.